SEO Term ExplanationIf you’ve been to this site before, you’re probably aware of how much emphasis we put on dialogue with our clients. Since communication can’t happen if we just bring up jargon you’ve never heard of, we like to inform people about SEO terms they might be unfamiliar with. To that end, here is Part 2 of our SEO Terms segment.


Hyperlinks (usually just called links) connect different pages all over the internet. Think of them as roadways that get you where you want to go. Search engines map out these paths, and even use them to rank a site’s value. The amount and type of links back to your site, backlinks, are a huge factor in where it falls on organic rankings. Building up backlinks that meet search engines’ standards is a large part of an SEO’s job.

Nofollow Links:

If you’re linking to another site (or another site is linking to yours) but that link meets a search engine’s criteria as a link scheme, you’ll want to use the nofollow attribute. Otherwise, the site linked to might get a penalty. A nofollow basically tells search engines to ignore the link for SEO purposes.


Part of an SEO’s job is making your site easier for search engines to crawl and index. One of the ways they do this is by submitting a sitemap. This is exactly what it sounds like, a map of the pages on your site.

301 Redirect:

This is a small but important part of the job. Search engines penalize you for having broken pages on your site. Have you ever gotten a “404 Error” when you clicked on a link? That’s a broken page. It has to be redirected to a working page. However, Google only recognizes a certain type of redirect, the 301 Redirect. All sites will get some broken pages eventually. It’s up to your SEO to spot and remove them in a timely manner.


You’re well on your way to SEO fluency! Remember, if you have any questions about how SEO can help bring in revenue for your company, don’t hesitate to call the Colorado SEO Guru for more information!